Sauna Blanket Therapy
What is Sauna Blanket Therapy?
Many people are troubled by extra weight, the need for detoxification, decreased circulation, and poor mood. Some people struggle with sleep concerns, pain, and sore muscles. If you are looking for a non-invasive, self care therapy that can support your overall health and wellness, it is time to consider sauna blanket therapy. Clients find sauna blanket therapy to be a relaxing and less intense experience than traditional sauna options.
The mulit-layer sauna blanket that I am able to provide allows you to turn up the heat and sweat it out! Our blanket consists of a non-toxic PU leather body and industrial zipper, far-infrared heat, charcoal, clay and magnetic layers, crystal therapy, and is low in EMF (electromagnetic field) and in ELF (extremely low frequency) currents, setting the standard for a safe infrared experience.
Sauna blanket therapy provides numerous benefits such as glowing skin, deep relaxation, boosted circulation, detoxification, muscle recovery, all well burning calories.
To achieve maximum results it is recommended that clients schedule 2-3 sessions per week. A treatment lasts 30-45 minutes. Healthy adults without any significant medical concerns are great candidates for this process. Each individual's results are different. One can increase the effectiveness of this process by receiving treatments in combination with an exercise and nutrition program and striving to live a balanced lifestyle.