What's The Worst That Could Happen?
Fear holds us back from taking risks, trying new things, and going out on a limb! Sometimes the anticipation of what may happen in any given situation can cause paralyzing anxiety!
The next time you find yourself, or someone you love in a situation like this, I encourage you to ask the following question… “What's the worst that could happen?”
Based on the answer, ask the question again...and then you ask it again… You continue to ask and then? And then? Typically you'll find that you can walk yourself right out of fear and into the realization that even if the worst happens you will survive, learn, live and thrive!
Here's an example that I recently had in a life coaching session:
Client: I am terrified to attend a fitness class alone.
Me: What's the worst that could happen?
Client:I could not understand what's going on..
Me: OK, so you may appear to be new at the moves in at that type of class, so what's the worst that could happen if you look new?
Client: People might think I don't know what I'm doing…
Me: OK, what's the worst that could happen if people felt like you didn't know what you were doing
Client: They might think less of me…
Me: What's the worst that could happen if a group of people that you don't know think less of you, will you think less of you?
Client: No, I Will know that it's my first time in the class.
Me: So what you're saying, is that if you go to class, you might look like it's your first class… which it is and you might not know what to do 100%… So you might look silly, and you're worried that others in the class may notice that. Do you think that others in the class felt that same way there first class? Do you think that each class you're going to look better and feel more comfortable? Do you think this will give you some compassion and empathy for others when it's their first class? It doesn't sound like the absolute worst that could happen is too bad is it???
Client: No, I guess not.
Sometimes the anticipation is the toughest part! Try this technique the next time you are scared about something! I dare you! What's the worst that could happen?!