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Talk To Yourself The Way You Talk To Others

When's the last time you told a friend that they looked terrible? Or that they were stupid? Or that they weren't worth that much? Or that they were overweight?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you've probably never said those things to someone else, am I right?

Here is the thing...daily women in our society say those things to themselves! We talk to ourselves in a harmful and hurtful way! We tell ourselves that we're not enough, that our value is held in our external looks, and what others think of us matters most. For some reason we have the hardest time loving ourselves the way we love our friends, our sisters, our daughters.

When we are young we love ourselves...and then, at some point, that internal voice turns negative! We forget that our bodies have carried us for years of life! For some of us they have carried us through amazing journeys of struggle, trauma, and triumph! We forget all of the growth that we've made in our careers, in our relationships, and in our development.

Ladies, I am here to remind you, right now -- Love yourself!!!

I implore you, talk to yourself the way you talk to the important women in your life! Tell yourself you are strong, you are capable, you are beautiful, and you are worthy! Please hear me when I say it to you! And then repeat after me…

You are beautiful!

You are strong!

You are capable!

You are worthy!

Teach the young women in your life to believe those things of themselves… and keep in mind, The best way to teach is to be a role model! ❤️


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