Is Life Coaching For You?
Are you ready for change? Are you looking for freedom from the past? Would you like to overcome habits and patterns that block fulfillment in a specific area of your life (health, fitness, relationships, career, balance)? We can focus on multiple areas of your life. We look at your physical health, emotional health, creativity/hobbies/joy, relationships, career, personal growth, finances, your environment, and your spirituality. Are you ready to take the actions necessary to live the life you desire?
Coaching sessions can take place in person, over the phone or virtually (via ZOOM call). All adult individual clients will participate in a two session intake process. Additional sessions are 30-50 minutes.
Together we will work towards balance and strength on the inside and out through, techniques, strategies and exercises.
We will focus on achieving balance in the four body systems:
Mental: The area of our thought life, self- image, perceptions and patterns. Balance and harmony in this area means wholeness in our thought life and self-
Emotional: Emotional wholeness is freedom from negative emotions of the past, the ability to love and receive love, the ability to process and release emotions in a healthy way, having rapport with the unconscious mind and acting from a place of congruence (true to self). When balance is reached, relationships with self and others will improve, one will be able to “show up” emotionally in healthier ways, choose to build better relationships, and attract people who are more whole into our lives.
Physical: Balance in the physical system is achieved when a person is moving towards health, strength, energy, success, and ability and stability in their physical body and physical world
(surroundings, situations).
Spiritual: Wellness or wholeness in the spiritual system is defined as a connection to higher self, God, higher consciousness, higher power, energy, or
however you choose to define it.
We will work to create the present and future you dream of. I am ready to support you on this journey, are YOU ready?!