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Hydration is a hot topic!! Are you hydrated? We all know the benefits of hydration. We see them and hear them all over social media, from our doctors, our estheticians, at our gyms, etc. Anyone who is invested in you over all health and wellness is going to encourage you to aim for that “pale lemonaid” color urine.

We are all busy and the day can fly by with us getting in nothing but a couple of cups of coffee. How can we ensure that we get our suggested amount of water each day?

Here are my top five suggestions for hitting your hydration goals!

  1. Purchase a large (24-30oz) refillable water bottle. This will help to save our environment and keep you drinking.

  2. Start first thing. When you get out of bed, in the morning, immediately start the hydration process for the day! Fill your bottle of water and prepare yourself. Aim for finishing off that first bottle by mid-morning,

  3. Set reminders in your phone. We set reminders for the numerous tasks that we are responsible for. Why should hydraton be any different? Use the alarms or reminders as cues/benchmarks throughout the day.

  4. There’s an app for that. There are numerous hydration tracking apps available. If you are a tech-savvy person, this might be your best bet.

  5. Find an accountability hydration budy. Set your hydration goal with a friend!!! Connect with someone with whom you can text back-and-forth with as you continue to hydrate all day. Send each other reminders!

If you are looking to make a simple positive change in your health and wellness...this is it!!


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