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Happiness Is A Direction, Not a Destination

How many times have you heard someone say “If I just lost 10lbs …….” or “If I just had more money….” or “If I just met the right person ….” ---THEN --- I would be happy.

Maybe you have said something similar yourself. I know that I have. We are always looking for the next best thing, the next win. Here is the scary part...we are missing the wins along the way. We are missing the present moments of joy, hoping for what could come in the future.

Let me be clear, I am a big advocate for goal setting. I am not suggesting that we stop setting short-term and long-term goals. What I am challenging myself (and you if you are up for it) to do is to enjoy the moments along the way. To stop putting all of my eggs in the “If….then…” basket. This can and will be tough, but I am going to work on it everyday. I am going to focus on the small wins and the daily reasons to smile.

I am going to look at happiness as something that I can create, control, and find each and every day -not just when I hit my goals. I will be focused on the things and people that I am grateful for and appreciate the magic that is held within the everyday. Happiness is the direction my compass will lead from here on out. Care to join me on this journey?!


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