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2021 Intention -- Financial

Money! Security! Hard work! Those are the words that come to mind when I think about setting financial resolutions for 2021. This has been a weird year. I changed careers, started a business, and added additional hours to my coaching schedule. Along with the flexibility of working for myself came the lack of security that comes with a stable job. My income is now based on how many clients I see - how hard I work, there is no guaranteed weekly paycheck.

When the building where I am renting went into the "Orange Zone" I felt a bit of panic. If I couldn't work, I could not make money. The thing is, it was OK. I chose to see the silver lining in the situation and be thankful that I could be home with my kids as they faced the crazy world of virtual learning. I allowed myself to rely on my partner. We had planned for this to happen financially. It was OK.

In 2021 we can not predict what will happen for small businesses. Closures may be out of our control at times as we nurse the health of our country. I am committed to making wise spending choices, to working hard while I can, and saving to allow us to be OK if I am unable to work for a period of time again. I will continue to chip away at my student loans and work as a team with my husband. If Covid was not a thing, this was the year I wanted to pay off my student loans...but, here is where allowing grace comes back into play. I will do my best with the boundaries that I have to come out stronger at the end of this year!


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